This statement of Purpose for Care in Hands has been developed in accordance with relevant legislation and guidance contained in :
- Care Standards Act 2000
- National Minimum Standards for Care Agencies in Wales 2003
- Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act 2016
- The Regulated Services (Wales) Regulations 2017
- Well-being of future Generations( Wales) Act
The statement of purpose provides the basic information about Care in Hands. It outlines our aims and objectives of service provision and how we will support our Service Users to achieve their desired outcomes.
Our Statement of Purpose is reviewed annually and is available to:
- Employees
- Local Authorities
- The Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW)
- The general public or other interested parties
We provide our Statement of Purpose to relevant Care Inspectorate Inspectors at each branch upon inspections and our Statement of Purpose is published on Care In Hands Website.
Name and Address of Inspection Body
Care Inspectorate Wales
Government Buildings
Picton Terrace
SA31 3BT
Telephone: 0300 7900 126
Email: [email protected]
Care in Hands is a Limited Company registered at companies house since 4th May 2004
Company Registration Number: 5104980
The Responsible Individual for Care in Hands is Mr Delan Umanee.
There are 3 branches of Care in Hands Ltd working in partnership and part of the West Wales Regional Partnership Board.
Care in Hands Vision and Values
At Care in Hand our vision is to be the best that we can be.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to ensure that we achieve the best possible outcomes for all who use our service. We aim at delivering outstanding services for adults within our locality by having robust systems and procedures in place to effectively ensure the coordination and management of the service.
Our Principles
1. To focus on service users. We aim to provide personal care and support in ways which have positive outcomes for all our service users and promote active participation in such. Service users have the right to be listened to at all time and to have their thoughts, opinions and attitudes respected and considered.
2. To ensure that we are fit for our purpose, and embed an ethos of co-production within our service delivery We examine our operations constantly to ensure that we are successfully achieving our stated aims and purposes. We welcome feedback from our service users and their friends and relatives. We will continue to engage with our Service users and stakeholder to seek effective feedback to enable us to improve and develop our service
3. To work on comprehensive welfare of our service users. We aim to provide for each service user a care package that contributes to his or her overall personal and health care needs and preferences. We will co-operate with services and professionals to help maximize each service users independence and to ensure that service users maximise their participation within the community.
4. To meet assessed needs. Before we provide services, we ensure that a potential service users needs and preferences are thoroughly assessed. We aim to ensure that the care provided by us meets the assessed needs of each service user, that needs are re-assessed as frequently as is necessary, and that the care and support provided have the flexibility to changing needs or requirements.
5. To provide quality Services. We are whole heartedly committed to providing top quality services and aim to continue to improve the level of care we offer. We will enable our service users to the right of having a say as to who will and who will not enter their home within the boundaries of our Equal Opportunities Policy.
6. To employ a quality workforce. We aim to employ a quality workforce whereby our staff whose education, training and attitudes make them suitable for a role and who will provide care in a friendly, appropriate and respectful manner. We will work with Social Care Wales to implement a workforce strategy that meets the new and emerging needs of Domiciliary Care
Care in Hand is a Domiciliary Care Provider. We provide services in the West Wales Regional Partnership Board area.
We strongly believe everyone should have the freedom to choose how they want to receive their care and support, and our aim is to provide our service users with the opportunity to live a life as fully and independent as possible. To this end we aim to work with any service user who chooses care in hand to achieve their personal aspirations and outcomes. Outcomes vary, and we will ensure that we help our service users to achieve the outcomes that are most important to them, and ultimately improve their general wellbeing.
Therefore we offer service users a services that can be as little as a couple of hours a week to 24 hour care. We offer a personal/ flexible service that is developed around a person’s individual and specific needs, with our core principles at the centre of all we do.
We can offer support to service users who have the following range of needs:
Personal Care (Washing, dressing, bathing, continence management, medication supervision)
Care in Hands offers support with all aspects of maintaining your chosen personal care needs. By devising concise Service delivery plans are focused on rehabilitation and independence, your personal care needs can be met.
Home from Hospital Care
Illness and operations can place a huge strain on an individual and their family. Naturally, most people look forward to leaving hospital and returning home to recover in surroundings in which they feel comfortable and confident.
Care in Hand provides a wide range of practical services that make such a recovery possible. Whether it is through providing you with practical assistance, such as help with dressing or personal hygiene, or with medical support, we can help you make a healthy recovery in your own home.
Not only can these services be arranged promptly but they are also flexible and responsive. As you recover, you can easily and simply adjust the services you receive to reflect your growing independence and improving health.
Live in Respite Care
If you are a full time carer and you wish to have a break, care in hands can support. We can provide you with short term 24 hour live in care to avoid your loved one having to go to a care home/ facility.
Home Help/ Domestic Support
Care in Hands offers a caring hand to help you maintain your property. We have on hand Domestic support staff to assist with:
– Household – Bed making, light household cleaning, laundry and ironing, cooking.
- Errands – Collecting shopping, pension, benefits, prescriptions.
- Administration – Form filling, letter writing, phone calls, emails.
- Companionship – Conversation, reading, listening, caring for pets.
- Social – Trips out, visiting friends, ad-hoc excursions.
Respite Care / Holiday Care
Care in Hand offers a short-term and cost-effective solution that will offer the right level of care and support within the home. This flexible option will help relieve family, friends or loved ones as well as paid for care assistants on a planned and regular basis throughout the year including cover for holidays, or reactively to cover illness and emergencies.
Available for a variety of short-term periods, we can provide you with respite hourly domiciliary care for as little as 24-hours, two days and up to one week or more. We cover a range of conditions and also offer live in care options, depending on the individual’s ongoing needs.
Night Care
Night care is available to clients with varying requirements, from comprehensive night nursing care to simply a supervision role. We have divided our night care service into three main categories to help individuals decide on the most relevant form of care:
Waking Nights – This is for customers that need frequent attention during the night. The attending staff is required to be awake throughout the night and be called whenever necessary.
Sitting Night – This is for customers that require visits periodically during the night (maximum two calls per night). The carer will require a bed to sleep in during the night.
Sleeping Night – This is for clients who do not like to be left alone at night but who do not require assistance during this time. The carer will require a bed to sleep in during the night.
Palliative Care / End of Life Care
Frequently this type of care is required for clients who have been discharged from hospital or care facility and wish to die at home. Care in Hands can offer a rapid response to care provision of this kind. We do this by working with hospital discharge coordinators to plan a quick and smooth transition home.
Care in Hand works alongside community District Nurses/ General Practitioners and Paul Satori Foundation to collectively meet the needs and wishes of this client group.
Physical disabilities
Physical disability can affect individuals in many different ways. Care in Hands plan of care for individuals with a physical disability is tailored to meet those individual needs. It is a be-spoke service offering both short and long term care provision. We can offer support for needs including Motor neurone disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease and Huntington’s Disease. Our approach to meeting these needs are based on supporting individuals to achieve outcomes that are important to their specific needs and wishes.
Complex Care (Auxiliary Nursing Care)
Specialist and complex care needs are met through our person– centred approach to Care Planning, with a focus on flexibility, choice and emotional wellbeing. Our experienced multi-disciplinary approach to specialist needs focuses on partnership and collaboration. Our regional offices support this to promote and encourage a fully integrated provision of care. Specialist care provision include those with an Acquired Brain Injury, Dementia,
Sensory Impairments
Different types of sensory impairments can affect one or more senses, sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste or spatial awareness. We offer person centred, holistic care for service users with a sensory impairment to ensure all aspects of daily living are supported as requested.
Mental Health Rehabilitation and Support
We support people who suffer from a Mental illness including depression, bi polar disorder and anxiety. Staff members receive specific mental health training. Our approach is holistic, working together with community mental health teams. We focus on both social and mental requirements placing client wellbeing and choice at the centre of achieving outcomes. All care plans will include crises intervention plans that are agreed at the commencement of care provision.
How we provide the Service
Our ethos at Care in Hands is to promote achievement of the best possible outcomes for our service users. We do this by utilising a flexible and responsive approach. Our aim is to provide care and support in a way that protects, promotes and maintains each service user’s independence safety and wellbeing. Our approach to promoting robust contingency plans are supported through well managed information systems and outcome measurement systems.
We promote a preventative model of care and our operational approach to organising care is around ensuring we can meet the needs of individuals and their families within the locality they live in with effective local management support within those areas.
We will support service users to be :
- as physically, mentally and healthy as possible
- be safe and valued
- to be involved and engage within their local community
- to have access to learning and development opportunities
- have control over everyday life
- to promote the cultural and religious identities
- to develop personal and family relationships
- to enhance practical life skills and every day activities
We will utilise a partnership approach to assisting individuals to achieve personal wellbeing outcomes.
We will do this by:
Empowering people to have choice and control over their care provision, ensuring they are equal partners in the planning process
Work with local communities to ensure sustainable services in their locality
Providing a flexible service built around personal aspirations and wishes of our service users
Ensure that we operate a manageable and financially viable service provision with our partner commissioners
Utilising a Preventative Approach with effective contingency planning and crisis intervention planning where necessary.
We work in partnership with multi-disciplinary teams
We Focus on complex needs to ensure both short term and long– term planning is adequate to meet individual needs.
We Look at what is important to people to ensure their personal aspirations and wellbeing is at the centre of all we do.
The specialist service delivered by Care in Hands are supported through multi-disciplinary partnership working. We seek external specialist advice from a variety of different agencies as required. As part of our commissioning and referral process we review referrals to ensure we have the capabilities to deliver the care requirements as requested. Where we require further specialist input we seek and ensure that staff have the relevant skill requirements to ensure the service user can be supported to achieve their desired outcomes. All service provision is reviewed at regular intervals by our Care Managers and their teams. We routinely review outcomes of our service users and produce active participative plans to enhance their plan of service provision. We promote co production of our service by hosting regular service user and staff forum to seek feedback from all users of our service.
Welsh Language Offer
Care in Hands has signed up to make an Active offer of Welsh Language service to all of its service users. We currently employ Welsh speaking employees.
Staffing Arrangements
We currently employ in excess of 200 members of staff, who cover a variety of roles including Senior Field Supervisors, field supervisors, Mentors, Call Monitors, Senior Carers, Carers and health care support workers.
In accordance to the Qualification Framework for the Social Care Sector in Wales (Version 4, September 2016) the following qualification within Care in Hand have been achieved.
Job Title | Qualification Required | Proportion of our Workforce |
Care Managers | Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health & Social Care Services | 100% |
Senior Field Supervisors | Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health & Social Care Services | 100% |
Field Supervisors | Level 5 Diploma in Health and Social Care | 80% |
Lead Call Monitor | Level 5 Advance Practice in Health & Social care or Level 3 Diploma in Health & Social Care | 100% |
Call Monitors | Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care | 80% |
Senior Carers | Level 2/ 3 Diploma in Health & Social Care | 100% |
Mobility/ Rehabilitation Officer | Level 2 Diploma in Promoting Independence / health and Social Care | 100% |
Community Carers | Level 2 in Health & Social Care or All Wales Induction Framework / Working toward a Level 2 in Health or Social Care | 56% |
Health and Social Care Support Workers | Level 2 / L 3 Diploma in Health & Social Care | 100% |
Workforce Development Manager / Training Manager | Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health & Social Care Services | 100% |
Workforce Development Officer/ Training Officer | Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health & Social Care Services | 100% |
Commissioning Officer | Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health & Social Care Services | 100% |
Occupational Therapy Assistant | Agored Cymru level 3 Diploma in Occupational Therapy Support Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care | 100% |
We employ a proportionate amount of specialist qualified staff in the following areas.
Responsive Communication
Level 2 in Equality and Diversity
Alcohol Misuse
Total Communication Coordination
Pressure Ulcer Prevention
Hydration and Nutrition
Sensory Impairment
Mental Capacity
Acquired Brain Injury
Assessment of the Mental Health Service User
Depression and Anxiety Management
Auditing within the Care environment
Providing outcome focused services
Supporting Cultural change within the Care environment.
Our supervision procedures at Care in Hand are robust and follow our policy guidance on Staff Supervision
We work to a model of supervision that integrates management, educational, advisory and support functions to do the following:
- achieve optimum outcomes for service users
- ensure best practice and attainment of required standards of care
- ensure compliance with stated policies and procedures and other organisational requirements
- enable staff to feel valued and well supported
- enable staff to continuously develop and improve their knowledge and skills.
An in-depth copy of our supervision policy is available by emailing [email protected]
Staff Training
We believe that our employees represent our greatest asset.
By providing opportunities, facilities and financial support for training we aim to ensure that all of our employees are in possession of the knowledge, skills and experience necessary to perform their jobs to the highest standard.
To this end, we are committed to functioning as a lifelong learning organisation, and to providing all of our employees with the opportunity for training and re-training in accordance with their own needs and those within our organisation.
Care in Hand support the Registration of our workforce with Social Care Wales and will provide the necessary development opportunities for our workforce to maintain and upkeep this registration as stipulated by Social Care Wales.
All staff who are successfully recruited are provided with the opportunity to complete the All Wales Induction Framework at the commencement of employment. Our Workforce development/ training department have an Induction Framework in place to support all staff to achieve this qualification. Our operational structure supports this development through our Coaching and mentorship programme. Providing support and development to our staff is a fundamental principle that underpins all we do. Regular staff development meeting are held with the Responsible Individual of Care in Hand and Management team.
We function as a learning organisation and are registered with City and Guilds to support our staff to achieve their desired qualifications. Our in–house Work based learning division operate their own management team who work in partnership with our Training department to meet our operational needs. This has afforded a comprehensive career progression and development plan within care in hands available to all our employees.
Governance & Quality Monitoring in Care in Hands
Our Responsible Individual is Mr Delan Umanee, who is a working Director within the organisation. Mr. Umanee is supported by the operational structure in place. Care in Hand has a dedicated Quality assurance director; Sheena Umanee who oversees policy development, quality audits/ reviews and operational planning on behalf of the organisation.
Our Responsible Individual chairs a monthly operational meeting with the management team, to discuss our operations at Care in Hand. Each branch manager has a monthly meeting with the Responsible Individual and Quality director to discuss any issues specific to their branch.
The managers of each branch are accountable for the oversight of compliance within Care in Hand and much day to day coordination of service delivery is delegated to the Senior Field Supervisors and Call monitors on shift each day. Managers are responsible for ensuring any imminent or foreseeable issues are reported to the RI for consideration.
Quality Assurance reviews are overseen by Sheena Umanee. Our Quality assurance framework is based on an ISO9000 standard in Quality Management. Our Quality assurance process is a robust and audited system that requires continuous monitoring to ensure we are providing the highest quality of service. One of our approach’s to quality checking within each branch is though case tracking and auditing against our policy and procedures.
As a people focused service; feedback form our service users is central to this process. We hold service user forums and field supervisor forums to support with the co-production and improvement planning at Care in Hands. Sheena Umanee is responsible for recording and putting into action our business improvements within our organisation.
Our service is Inspected by Care Inspectorate Wales and our staff registration requirements by Social Care Wales. Our latest Care Inspectorate reports are available on our website
We always welcome feedback on our service from users of our service or those working with us. Whether you have a complaint, compliment or suggestion on how we can do things better, we’d like to hear from you. Email us on [email protected]
Delan Umanee is responsible for the production of our 6 monthly Quality Review Report. Each review runs from January to June and July to December.
The provision of Domiciliary care is complex and to support the management of these complexities for both service users and staff members we maintain and review our operational policies and procedures. The aim of policy development within care in hands is to maintain consistency and to avoid conflict. We believe by developing robust documents that detail practice and procedures will underpin this aim and enhance our operational compliance and registration with Care Inspectorate Wales.
These key documents are available for both staff and service users of Care in Hands. For copies of these documents or clarification questions please contact [email protected]
Within Care in Hands we have a Policy that specifically related to Protecting our Service Users.
The central aim of this policy is to set out for all relevant parties our:
- principles and values underlying our approach to the support and protection of our service users
- ways in which Care in Hands does this
- steps taken to avoid service users being abused/harmed
- actions taken to deal with cases where service users have been abused/harmed or are at risk of abuse/harm.
We recognise that service users must be protected from all forms of abuse/harm.
We recognise that we must at all times protect its service users and identify and deal with specific instances of abuse/harm if they occur.
Care in Hand applies the principles underpinning all adult protection legislation and official guidance, which require consideration of:
- the wishes of the vulnerable adult
- the views of others, e.g. nearest relative, primary carer or guardian
- the importance of the vulnerable adult participating as fully as possible
- that the adult is not treated less favorably than someone not considered to be an “adult at risk”
- the adult’s abilities, background and characteristics, for example, sexual orientation or religious persuasion, which could be factors in the perpetration of the abuse/harm.
In applying these principles we work in line with local authority support and protection policies and procedures and Care Inspectorate Wales guidance.
A copy of this policy is available by emailing [email protected]
Care in Hands works on the principle that if a service user wishes to make a complaint or register a concern they should find it easy to do so. Our policy is to welcome complaints and look upon them as an opportunity to learn, adapt, improve and provide better services. We will always seek to find a workable solution to any concern or complaint. Our policy is intended to ensure that complaints are dealt with properly and that all complaints or comments by service users and their relatives and carers are taken seriously.
Our approach is not designed to apportion blame, to consider the possibility of negligence or to provide compensation. It is not the same as the disciplinary policy. However, we understand that failure to listen to or acknowledge complaints could lead to an aggravation of problems, service user dissatisfaction and possible litigation.
We support the principle that most complaints, if dealt with early, openly and honestly, can be sorted at a local level, ie between the complainant and Care in Hands
Our aim is always to make sure that the complaints procedure is properly and effectively implemented and that service users feel confident that their complaints and worries are listened to and acted upon promptly and fairly.
Service users and their representatives are always advised to make any complaint initially to the manager of their branch which will address the matter by following its established procedures.
Our complaints policy is available on our website , by contacting your branch manager or [email protected]